Filipino Main Dish


Philippine adobo is a popular Filipino dish and cooking process in Philippine cuisine that involves meat, seafood, or vegetables marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, bay leaves, and black peppercorns, which is browned in oil, and simmered in the marinade.

Nilagang Baka

Nilaga is a traditional meat stew or soup from the Philippines, made with boiled beef (nilagang baka) or pork (nilagang baboy) mixed with various vegetables. It is typically eaten with white rice and is served with soy sauce, patis (fish sauce), labuyo chilis, and calamansi on the side.


Menudo is a traditional stew from the Philippines made with pork and sliced liver in tomato sauce with carrots and potatoes. Unlike the Mexican dish of the same name, it does not use tripe or red chili sauce.It is one of the most common offerings in carinderias or karinderyas


Pork sisig is a popular Filipino dish. It can be considered as a main dish or an appetizer. The composition of this dish is mainly of pig’s parts such as minced pork meat, ears, and face. Chicken liver, onions, and chili peppers are also added.


Sinigang is a Filipino soup or stew characterized by its sour and savory taste. It is most often associated with tamarind, although it can use other sour fruits and leaves as the souring agent. It is one of the more popular dishes in Filipino cuisine.


Dinuguan is the Filipino version of blood stew. Pork slices are sautéed in onion and garlic and cooked with pork blood. Sometimes, pork innards such as the small and large intestines along with other internal parts of the pig are added.


Tapsilog is one of my favorite breakfast meal options during big days. These are days wherein I need to complete several tasks. Having this meal gives me the needed energy to perform work and it keeps me full longer.


Kare Kare is a type of Filipino stew with a rich and thick peanut sauce. It is a popular dish in the Philippines served during special occasions. The traditional recipe is composed of ox tail. There are instances wherein both ox tripe and tail are used.

Chicken Inasal

Chicken inasal is a variant of the Filipino chicken dish known as lechon manok. Chicken Inasal is a grilled chicken dish and one of the well known Ilonggo dishes. It is served with rice, calamansi, soy sauce, chicken oil and vinegar